Six Reasons For Choosing NWCULaw
- A respected name, since 1982, for both excellence and affordability in distance education in law.
Quality of Administration
- Personal attention from a full-time dedicated and friendly staff at the school’s facility in Sacramento, California.
Experienced Faculty
- Well qualified instructors and practitioners involved in the development and delivery of the school’s law study courses.
Quality Coursework
- Coursework including online audio and video lectures, recorded terminology, outlines and other valuable materials for the study of law.
Online Study
- Online programs offered over the Internet through a dynamic course management system and technology platform featuring online discussion boards, online streamed audio and video lectures and a virtual classroom.
Successful Graduates
- Graduates of the school's law study program include many who now occupy influential positions as lawyers in government, business and the private practice of law.
- They have been employed in positions such as Deputy District Attorney and Juvenile Gang Prosecutor in California, as General Attorney at the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Office of Federal Operations in Washington D.C., as Court Executive for the District Court in Utah, and as (Presidential appointee) Director of the Office of Thrift Supervision, U.S. Department of Treasury in Washington D.C.
- Many others have been promoted to high-level positions in business and industry, and still others have entered the private practice of law fulfilling lifelong ambitions.